„It is my objective to strengthen the female awareness of the body as well as to encourage women to enjoy their sexuality. My work is a visual vacation away from the things we were taught and what society generally defines as ‘perfect’ or ‘beautiful’.“

„Ecstasie Téresa“ (installation) / acrystal / 300 x 250 x 150 cm / 2018

Studio view / 2022

„Cumulus“ / epoxy resin/ 155 x 200 x 200 cm / 2007

„Goddess“ / epoxy resin / 183 cm / 2020

„Janusfairy“ / epoxy resin / 327 x 120 x 100 cm / 2015 / © Semra Sevin

„Second column“ / epoxy resin / 270 x 120 x 100cm / 2018 / exhibition view Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst Zitadelle Spandau
- * 1975 in Konstanz
- lives and works in Bodman and Berlin
- 2000 - 2007 studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden (Eberhard Bosslet and Ralf Kerbach)