„For me the positively elevated form means vitality and lust.“

„Snake woman“ / ceramics / height 21 cm / 2019

„Three Graces“ / plaster cast / 49 x 35 x 7 cm / 2011

„Miss Universe“ / plaster cast / height 24 cm / 2019

Exhibition view

„Untitled“ (pregnant) / watercolour on paper / 50 x 70 cm / 2018

„Untitled“ (breastfeeding) / watercolour on paper / 50 x 70 cm / 2018

„Untitled“ (mother and child) / watercolour on paper / 50 x 70 cm / 2018

„Bauch über Kopf“ / bronze cast / 22 x 29 cm / 2019

„Queen of breastfeeding“ (portrait of my mother) / plaster cast / height 14 cm / 2012

„Entanglement“ / bronze cast, patinated / 27,5 x 74,5 cm / 2018

„Vulviva“ / bronze cast / height 63 cm / 2012
- * 1980 in Benediktbeuern
- lives and works in Sachsen-Anhalt
- studied conceptual drawing and sculpture at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach / Main (Manfred Stumpf and Georg Hüter)